Monday, January 31, 2011

Chapter 15 Teaser

He heard Isabella gasp and quickly looked up, mortified when he saw the tears in her eyes, even more so when he heard the anguished, "Edward, what have you done?" escape from her lips.

"You hate it, don't you? I fucking knew it. Beautiful, I'm so sorry, we can change it back," he said so fast he tripped over his words in a frantic attempt to make things better. "Isabella, I'm..." he started to say but was interrupted.

"Stop...just stop," she told him forcefully.

How did he...he was...she swore one day he'd...Isabella thought.

She stared at him, so blown away by what he'd done. Just when she thought she couldn't possibly love him anymore...he did something totally unexpected. His green eyes stared anxiously back at hers and it wasn't until she saw them cloud over in disappointment and pain that she snapped out of the trance she was in.

Before she knew what she was doing, she flung herself into his arms, heedless of the fact that she was still dressed in her work clothes...or that she had taken her husband completely by surprise. Luckily for her, he caught her with no problem and immediately wrapped his arms around her, holding her flush against his body. Never in her life had she been so grateful that she'd decided to wear dress pants, especially when she wrapped her legs around his waist.

"I love you...I love you...I love you," she said between kisses all over his face.

Edward felt his heart start beating again when he heard her words. "Oh, thank God," he breathed out and then covered her mouth with his. He plunged his tongue in her mouth, needing so badly to kiss her. Their tongues tangled in their frenzy, each seemingly as desperate as the other.

Isabella was lost in a haze of a lust so pervasive she could barely see straight, but she knew what she wanted.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Monday, January 24, 2011

Chapter 14 Teaser

These are Isabella's birthday gifts:

The Teaser:
Edward growled and then bit out, "Fine. I don't want them to hate me. Happy now?"

"Look my friend, let's be clear about something, shall we? You've been a really shitty husband the last five know this, I know this, Isabella knows this. Fortunately for you, no one else really does. You're lovely wife," Seth said and Edward rolled his eyes when the angel person did his usual fanboy sigh when his wife's name was mentioned, "has the patience of a saint. She is as loyal as a guard dog about you and your marriage so luckily for you Charlie Swan doesn't know much of anything. In your case the saying what he doesn't know won't hurt you is nothing but the truth. I can do a lot, but stopping a bullet isn't one of them."

Actually, it kind of was, but Edward didn't need to know that.

"Fuck," Edward muttered under his breath and felt his stomach twist in knots at the thought of Isabella's imposing father.

The angel laughed heartily at his assignment's face. Poor guy looked like he was going to be sick at any moment. Seth knew he could help calm him, but he felt it was rather appropriate that Edward be a bit least for awhile. If he wasn't so sure of the welcome Edward would receive from the Swan's, he might be inclined to offer some angelic comfort, but he knew they'd be nothing but happy to see him.

Seth gleefully admitted to having a bit of a vindictive streak....especially when it came to Isabella.

He loved Edward, he couldn't help it, and he'd tried...Lord knew he tried....but the guy was just so damn endearing he couldn't help himself. Angel's were built to love, it was part of their makeup... obviously. Edward Cullen might have been his most challenging assignment to date, hell he'd probably be the most challenging one ever, but he'd also be his greatest accomplishment as well.

He hoped anyway.

But, well, Isabella was...Isabella.

Enough said.

Speaking of, since she was about to check on her husband, Seth figured it was time for him to leave his charge in her very capable hands. "Eddie, cut the crap and suck it up. If you allow yourself, you might find you enjoy your evening. I'll be know if you need me, I'll be there," he said then disappeared.

"Damn meddlesome, wife-ogling, pain in the ass seraph," Edward muttered right as Isabella entered the bedroom.

Click on the polyvores for a larger image.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Chapter 13 Teaser

"God damn it all to hell," Edward muttered angrily under his breath and when he heard the snort off to the side, as he knew he would, he didn't even apologize for the inappropriate outburst in front of the present company.

"Edward," the ever-annoying angel sighed mightily.

Edward held up his hand and said, "I know, all right? I know I overreacted, I knew it the second the words left my damn mouth, but I couldn't help it."

Well, that was a change, Seth thought with a start. It wasn't often he was surprised, but Edward had surely managed to do just that. Maybe there was hope for him yet.

He was about to speak when he was interrupted. "Edward?" Carlisle asked hesitantly.

Edward glanced quickly at the heavenly being, needing his reassurance. He didn't have time to think about that, but it was a fact nonetheless.

"Give him a chance, Edward, for your sake as well as his. Just...try," the angel implored.

Edward swallowed past the lump in his throat and nodded his head. "You're staying, right?" he asked hating how his voice shook, but he knew he needed Seth close by.

The angel looked at him with a loving and patient glance and said, "Of course, Edward. I'll always be right by your side."

"Carlisle," Edward greeted him in an even voice.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Chapter 12 Teaser

Isabella nuzzled the little girl in her arms with her nose, inhaling the sweet, distinctive little girl smell Emma always had. She looked at her in question when she felt her tiny hands tap on her arm. She smiled and nodded her head. "Yep, that's Uncle Edward. Can you say hi?" she asked when she saw where Emma was pointing and looked at her husband. She couldn't help but frown at the brief flash of pain she saw flit across his face but it was gone as quickly as it had come. He stepped forward and ran his hand down Emma's hair and kissed the top of her head.

"Hi, pretty girl," he said, sounding a bit afraid, which was just plain silly as far as Isabella was concerned.

Emma was an exceedingly outgoing child and though she was a bit hesitant with Edward because he hadn't been around her very much, she still lifted her arms to him. He looked at Isabella with wide eyes and she laughed at him. "Edward, she won't break. Hold her for a minute."

Edward reached out and lifted the little girl from his wife's arms and as soon as he held her against his chest and she wrapped her little hands around his neck, Edward...melted.

Like, full-on, big ole puddle of Edward goo.

"You sure are a pretty little thing." Edward laughed softly when she snuggled right up in the crook of his neck. He walked around with her for a few minutes and held onto her, rubbing her back and talking quietly to her.

She picked her head up after a time and pointed back toward the playground and said, "Play wif me?"

Monday, January 3, 2011

Chapter 11 Teaser

“Isabella, my wife, my love...I have so much to make up for, so much to repay. I'm asking, begging you to forgive me. You shouldn't and I don't deserve it, but I'm asking anyway. Please tell me you forgive me and that you'll let me be the man that deserves you, that is worthy of you. Please," he beseeched, leaving his future completely in her tiny, but so very strong hands.

Mending his relationship with Emmett and Rose, getting to know his niece and nephew, somehow finding a way to repair some or all of the damage done to things between him and Esme and Carlisle meant nothing if Isabella didn't, or couldn't, forgive him.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Fandom Against Domestic Violence

I will be contributing an outtake for this very, very important cause. The outtake will be about how our Seth became an angel.

Please check out the site. The list of contributing authors is enormous!

Donations will be accepted from Feb 1-28th.

Minimum donation is $10.00 and will go directly to National Coalition Against Domestic Violence.

Please participate if you are able!