Sunday, April 17, 2011

Chapter 26 Teaser

Edward and Emmett hit golf balls for over an hour, talking and enjoying each other's company. It was a gorgeous fall night and because it was now the beginning of October, there was a definite chill in the air as soon as the sun started to set. Isabella was helping Nonna and RenĂ©e at church and Edward had figured it was a great opportunity to spend some time, away from the office, just the two of them. 
There wasn't any question that their relationship was in a much better place; hell, it was in a different stratosphere from where it was just a few short months ago. Edward rediscovered all those wonderful things about his brother that he chose to ignore over the years; his sense of humor, even if it did tip toward juvenile and crude from time to time, his ability to get to the heart of a problem without beating around the bush and his unwavering sense of family and a loyalty that few could match. 
For Emmett, it was like meeting his brother for the first time. He was amazed to discover how laid back Edward could be. It wasn't that big of a stretch to imagine how difficult it was to always be on guard, to always be afraid of saying too much or showing too much and now that Edward didn't have to do that any longer, he most definitely wasn't the Iceman everyone had thought he was for so long. 
Emmett found himself mesmerized more often than not at the office. He watched Edward with a new appreciation, marveling at how commanding he was, without seeming overbearing. How he could make decisions in the blink of an eye and never second-guess himself. How, now that he had let his guard down, he seemed to thrive even more than he had before and how everyone seemed to admire and love him even more because of it.

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