Tuesday, May 22, 2001

Chapter 25 Bonus Scene

Chapter 25 Bonus Scene

"Emmett, if you don't slow down, Edward is gonna kick your ass," Rose admonished her husband, though she didn't sound at all serious.

Emmett snorted and instead of easing off the gas, pressed the pedal down even farther. The powerful car shot forward and he shot Rose a wink and a grin that made her heart melt and the parts down between her legs tingle.

Because they had the entire day to themselves and a beautiful car to drive, they decided to head to Chicago to eat lunch and then they'd go back home and take full advantage of an afternoon they could spend alone in their bedroom or wherever else the urge took them. With hours of potential alone time on the horizon, Emmett was trying to decide how fast they could eat and be home. He wasn't about to waste any time he could spend naked with his wife, not even for food or driving a kick ass automobile.

"Babe, Ed is going to have his hands so full with Jack and Emma he's not going to have time to think about all the things I could be doing in his car," Emmett teased.

"Can you believe he asked to take the kids for the whole day? I have to say, after last night I expected him to be a mess today, but instead he looked so happy," Rose said and let out a long breath.

God, last night had been hell: pure, unadulterated hell. Listening to Edward talk, watching Isabella try with just her will and her love to hold him up had been something to witness. Knowing that Emmett was falling apart on the inside about killed her, and all night she just prayed he would keep it together until they got home. Of course he'd broken down a time or two, but it was nothing compared to what it had been like when they'd gotten home and it was just the two of them.

They'd walked in their house after an excruciatingly silent ride home and he'd raced up the stairs without even looking back to see if she followed. Once she'd taken care of the babysitter, locked up all the doors, and set the alarm, she slowly walked up the stairs, wondering what Emmett was doing.

When she found him, she realized she should have known the first place he would go was to find the kids. Like always, when they weren't home to tuck the kids into bed, they were together in Jack's room. Emma was curled up close to Jack, holding her stuffed penguin and Jack was flat on his back with his left leg bent at an angle that didn't look at all comfortable, but was normal for her son.

Emmett was at the foot of the bed with his arms crossed, standing as still as a statue. His cheeks were wet and his eyes were rimmed with red, but the only sounds you could hear in the room were of the kids' quiet breathing and the mumbles little Emma let escape every now and then.

"Em?" she had questioned softly as she laid her hand on his arm.

He still didn't say anything but he did move his hand to cover hers and he stood watching the kids for a few more moments before he said in a rough almost hoarse voice, "How could his parents have treated him that way? I would rather die than hurt our kids, babe. How could they be so fucking cruel?"

"I don't know," she answered him honestly, feeling her stomach roll when she thought about what Edward had told them before. "It explains so much, though, why Edward has always acted the way he has."

Emmett nodded his head and then patted her hand before he uncrossed his arms and stepped forward. He bent down and kissed each of the kids on the forehead and then waited while she did the same. After he closed their door, laying his palm on the door for just a moment he turned and pulled her into his arms and laid his head on her shoulders.

Rose had never seen him as devastated or heartbroken as he had been when she held him in the hallway, standing there for God only knew how long while he sobbed and shook in her arms. He was always so strong, stronger than anyone she had ever met, but in that moment he was as fragile as a baby bird as he asked her over and over to explain things she had no answers for.

They'd barely slept, and there were times they didn't even talk, just held each other in bed. When the dawn finally broke and they'd heard the kids moving around, they each got up to start the day, not knowing exactly what to expect when they got to the Swans' church.

Whatever it had been, it certainly wasn't seeing Edward with a smile a mile wide on his face or to see him so relaxed and happy, so much so he was positively giddy. When Emma had run to him and he'd swept her up in his arms, she got a little teary-eyed, she had to admit, because seeing him interact with her daughter that way said more than words ever could.

He was healing, and though she was sure the process would be slow and at times probably painful, he was going to be just fine.

Emmett had been lost in thought much like Rose had just been after she mentioned how Edward looked when they arrived at church. It helped ease his mind, that was for sure, though he wasn't quite sure what to make out of the totally uncharacteristic offer to babysit AND switch cars.

His brother was full of surprises, of that there was no doubt.

"He looked good this morning, though, don't you think?" Emmett questioned after another few moments passed.

"He did," Rose answered him with a smile.

Emmett, he was such a softy, she thought, and the prospect of finally having the relationship with Edward he'd always wanted made him as excited as a kid on Christmas morning. Knowing her husband like she did, she could only imagine all the things he was planning on doing with Edward now that it seemed like Edward would be receptive to them.

"Babe, you're going to have to give him a bit of time before you start planning on whisking him away for guys weekends or dragging him to the lake with the boat," she told him and then giggled when Emmett's face fell just a bit, but then shook her head when he perked right back up.

"Damn, Rosie, I hadn't even thought about the boat yet!" he exclaimed and practically bounced up and down in his seat. Once he turned down the road the restaurant was on and slowed the car down, he let out a deep breath. "I'm just so fucking happy to have this chance with him you know?" he questioned rhetorically. "I would say I've gotten him back, but that's not quite true because I've never had him, at least not like I wanted. Babe, you know what I've always wanted as far as Edward is concerned. I know he's older than me and our personalities are so damn different, but I've always known if he'd allowed it, we could be friends, best friends even. He's my brother, Rosie, even though not by blood, but I've always loved him as if we were. Listening to him last night, watching him with Bella and then when he told us everything, even when he yelled at Mom and Dad, I was so proud of him. He's the strongest person I know, besides maybe Bella, and I don't want to waste this second chance," he finished softly as he pulled into a parking space in front of the restaurant.

"You won't, Emmett, neither will I, or Edward and Bella, or even your mom and dad," Rose told him with all the conviction she possessed. "It's way past time for this family to start acting like one. Edward's given us all the second chance to do just that."

Emmett got out of the car once she'd finished talking and rushed around to her side and opened the door, pulling her into his arms right away. He leaned in to kiss her, and he kept kissing her until he heard a few people clear their throats as they walked past. "I love you, Rosie, so fucking much," he told her and dipped his head to kiss her again when she pushed on his chest.

"I love you, too, you silly man. Now, feed me and buy me some really expensive wine to drink with lunch, then you can take me home and have your wicked way with me," she teased him as she hooked her arm in his so they could go inside.

A few exceedingly sexually satisfied hours later, they were getting dressed to head over to Carlisle and Esme's, still basking in the feelings that only a good romp, or three in their case, could give.

Rose giggled as she stepped into her shoes and when Emmett raised his eyebrows at her in question she smirked and said, "I wonder how tired Edward and Bella are. I'll be surprised if they make it through dinner without falling asleep."

"No shit, Ro. Between Jack and Emma, I'm sure they were kept hopping all damn day. You about ready? I'm dying to hear what they did today." Emmett grinned and grabbed Edward's keys. "If it went well, maybe Edward will trade cars with me every weekend."

"Don't hold your breath, Em. Edward may have changed, but I don't think he's changed that much," she told him as she walked downstairs.

Emmett chuckled to himself, knowing he had at least the drive to his parents' house left, but he had a feeling he'd get to spend many more Sundays enjoying Edward's kick ass car.

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